What time is check in?
Check in time is from 16.00hs
What time is check out?
Check out time is 10.00hs at the latest.
Is there a minimum age requirement to make a booking?
If you are under 18 and travelling alone we will need approval from your parents or legal guardian. We may ask for ID when checking in or out.
Do you offer Internet service in your properties?
We offer free wireless Internet in all our properties.
What parking options are available?
There is free parking next to the property.
Are your properties accessible for wheelchair users?
We kindly ask you to contact us for more information.
Are pets allowed?
Only guide dogs are allowed on the premises.
Are guide dogs allowed?
Guide dogs are very welcome at our hotels.
Is smoking allowed?
All our properties are “smoke free”.
Is breakfast included in the price?
Breakfast is not included in the price.
Are taxes included in the price?
Taxes are included in the price.
What kind of credit cards and payment methods do you accept?
Playa Marina accept Visa and Mastercard payments or Bank Transfer
Do you offer allergy friendly rooms?
All our properties offer allergy friendly rooms that are free of carpets and equipped with synthetic pillows and duvets.